Wednesday, February 20, 2013

4 Disturbing Trends in Today's Church

As I casually observe "church folk", I see 4 disturbing clouds on the horizon:

1. dissatisfied spirit -- it's amazing: saints who faithfully supported their pastors for years are just walking away from The Church. The devil has slowly eroded their commitment and now they find fault in everything the pastor does. These disgruntled members allow satan to trick them and eventually thy find themselves out the door -- AND out of God's Will for their lives.

2. disrespectful statements -- "You can't tell me what to do. I hear from God for myself." This blatant disrespect often leads to rebellion against authority. Sounds like that stunt that Lucifer pulled against God, doesn't it? And to think: when you joined The Church you couldn't even find Genesis...NOW you're a "major prophet"?!?

3. disloyal soldiers -- for some strange reason, saints have no problem betraying authority in God's House. I've seen stronger loyalty among so-called "street folk" than I find in The Body of Christ! This behavior often manifests itself in "church hopping". You've joined and left 5 churches in 5 years and each time something's wrong with the church you just left. Then you have the audacity to 'spiritualize' your betrayal: "The Lord released season was up." Hmmm...I didn't relize that God was holding so many people hostage.

4. divisive strategies -- also known as "church spliting". It works like this: you have the Call of God on your life. You sense that a significant segment of your fellow church members are disgruntled and are quietly plotting rebellion against your pastor. Now, you suddenly announce YOUR ministry and start recruiting your congregation. Does the name Absalom mean anything to you, preacher?

REMEMBER: what you sow into another person's ministry you will one day reap in your own!

I'm just saying...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The "Double Nickel"

I turn 55 in 2 days. I can't believe it! I really didn't expect to live this long -- before I gave my life to Jesus. Whenever I go back to my old neighborhood ("Tripe City" in Beaumont, Texas), I'm amazed at what's happened to my homeboys I grew up with. They're either locked up, cracked out, done in or just lost. I don't rejoice in their fate; there but for God's Grace go I.

Keep watching. God ain't through with me yet!

Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.